The exhibition
La Vaccheria in Rome presents the exhibition Journey into Pop Art: a new way to love things. The itinerary spans almost eight decades, telling the story of the artistic movement which has always been non-conformist.
Exhibition includes around 200 works by 45 Italian and international artists linked to Pop Art and its forms: ranging from the American Pop Art of the 60s to the Roman art scene of Piazza del Popolo, to name a few.
The itinerary is divided into three parts. The first focuses on the protagonists of American Pop Art and New Pop. Among the works on display are Liza Minnelli and Cow by Andy Warhol, Sunrise by Roy Lichtenstein and Sky Rite by Robert Rauschenberg.
The second part has as its fundamental theme women artists in New Pop Art.
Among the protagonists we find Ilaria Rezzi, representative of the surrealist pop movement, who transports us into an enchanted world of little blue men; Olivia Gozzano, who combines photography and painting technique and Annalisa Benvenuti with her metal sculptures.
Finally, the third part tells the story of Rome in the 60s, where Italian Pop Art has its roots in the Piazza del Popolo School. Among the works on display are those of the founders: Olimpico and Olimpico svastiche by Franco Angeli, Manet by Tano Festa and Homage to De Chirico. The Disquieting Muses by Mario Schifano.
Do not miss the immersive exhibition Journey into Pop Art: a new way to love things and stay at 47 Boutique Hotel.For more formation ask our staff by writing to [email protected] or by going directly to the reception!