Uninhabitable architectures

Until the 29th of September 2024, the Centrale Montermartini hosts the exhibition Uninhabitable Architectures. 150 shots, videos and texts by writers relating to 8 architectural works, not conceived with the typical housing function.


The Uninhabitable Architectures exhibition will be at Centrale Montemartini until 29th of September 2024. The exhibition features 150 photographs, videos and texts by writers on 8 architectural works. It suggests a new point of view on architecture, underlining its function other than usual housing.

To be examined are some of the buildings with a strong symbolic value, found in Italy and representative of the concept of construction designed not to be habitable. Alongside photos from important archives (including Archivio Luce), there are works by contemporary artists and photographers. Among the names appear those of Gianni Berengo Gardin, Steve McCurry and Marzia Miglior. There are also shots commissioned specifically for the exhibition, such as those by Francesco Jodice and Silvia Camporesi, as well as a series of pages composed for the occasion by some of the most important Italian writers.

Some of the Uninhabitable Architectures described in the exhibition are: the Gazometro of Rome, often found in movies and TV series; the suggestive semi-submerged bell tower of Curon in Lake Resia in Trentino-Alto Adige; the Lingotto of Turin, a historic architectural complex, former FIAT factory and therefore a symbol of the industrial development of the city; Torre Branca, designed by Giò Ponti, equipped with a lift that allows you to reach the top and admire the view over Milan.


When: from the 24th of January to the 29th of September 2024

Where: Centrale Montemartini – Via Ostiense 106, Rome

Tickets:  from € 9,00


Do not miss the exhibition uninhabitable architectures in Rome and stay at 47 Boutique Hotel.

For further information visit the official Website or ask our staff by writing to [email protected] or by going directly to the reception!